Thursday, December 2, 2010

Darkness and Light

The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light (Romans 13:12).

We are fast approaching the longest night of the year.  Since the leaves started turning, we've all noticed that the porch lights in our neighbourhoods have been illumined just a little bit earlier, that the neon signs have popped up in the distance just a little bit sooner than the day before, and that ability to see our breath has become an increasing reality.  Darkness is falling on us faster and faster. 

Though it's a long drive from my home to the university I attend, I do enjoy the fact that I get to watch the sun chase away the darkness from the world.  Last week there was one day in particular where the skies just light up with an unusual cheerfulness, filling our part of the world with beautiful colors. 

Christ has come as the light of the world and chased away the darkness from our midst.  Though we can find ourselves, at times, surrounded by it and it temptations to do things we know aren't beneficial (knowing they will be well hidden in that darkness), the light of the Gospel still burns.  Even if we only have a flicker of that light in us, knowing that even the smallest, dimmest light can break darkness gives us hope. 

Christ coming into the world is much like that sun shucking the dark of night; the advent of the messiah helps us to see more clearly what is before us, aiding us in our attempt to keep from stumbling. 

In XP,

Terry W. Gatwood

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